
You can also watch our videos on our YouTube channel.
If you'd like to work with us as a volunteer, you can give Fraser an email at volunteers@underthetrees.co.uk. You can also download our volunteer application form and role description via the links below.

Volunteer Friendly Award
We were very happy to be awarded the Volunteer Friendly Award in Summer 2024! This awarded is given to organisations who value their volunteers highly and aim to provide an engaging, worthwhile experience to those who give up their precious time for them. We put a lot of work in to achieving this award and we're very glad to be recognised for the hard work we have put into our volunteering programme. Here are some of the kind words our assessors had to say -
“Congratulations on all your hard work creating and delivering your Volunteering Programme so successfully. The feedback from volunteers’ is fantastic and shows the level of support and dedication that is provided to them.”
And a word from our Volunteer Development Officer Fraser -
“The VFA has been an invaluable process for us to engage in, and we have come away with a better volunteering programme and a plan for further improvement. I would recommend the Volunteer Friendly Award to all organisations who include volunteers in their work!”
Have a listen to some of our volunteers talking about their experiences with us. We have testimonials from Dan, Hayley, and Diana, each of whom come from different backgrounds and have been involved in various sessions and training with us.

"My time so far with Under the Trees has been fantastic and I have enjoyed every minute of it. The staff have made everything so smooth with the application process, the induction and through sessions and planning. They are all so supportive and always ensure you know what you’re doing and make sure you get the most out of your experience. Volunteering with Under the Trees appealed to me as it gets me out of the house and is linked to the career path I hope to take. I also absolutely love the outdoors as it gets me outside and away from the stress and worries of life. Coming to the sessions and seeing the smiling faces of the kids is so rewarding and seeing them outside learning in different ways makes my day."
"I have only been volunteering with Under the Trees for a short time; however, I have made every effort to attend every session I could. From my first visit to the UTT website, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of and something I thought I could bring my own experiences and skill to with the hope this would benefit the charity. I have learned much more than I would have anticipated in the few events I have partaken in. Each session I have attended has been a wonderful experience, I have been able to interact with a range of age groups, which has been a fantastic experience for myself. I am currently in the process of changing career to become a primary teacher and the entire staff of UTT have been wonderfully supportive and understanding of what I want to achieve from working with them. I hope to be working with UTT for many years to come!"


"I have thoroughly enjoyed my volunteering experience with Under The Trees, from the initial meeting, the sessions, the training offered, and the support provided by the team. At the sessions, my time has been put to good use whether it be helping to set up and clear away which is very labour intensive or speaking with and supporting the participants. The outdoors is my happy place so this is the perfect place for me to volunteer my time. It has been very rewarding and seeing the children and families experience and enjoy the outdoors together is brilliant."
Our videos were filmed and edited by Stuart Edwards
Volunteering at Under The Trees
Here at Under The Trees, we are proud to have a welcoming, robust, and valued volunteering programme. Our volunteers take part in a range of work, including on our school and public sessions, ASN sessions, training events and more. We take on volunteers from all walks of life, and there is no specific requirement needed to work with us - we are mainly looking for people with a passion for the outdoors that they want to pass on to others!
We have a full induction for all volunteers, which includes a meeting with our volunteer development officer Fraser where you will have the opportunity to have any questions about the programme answered, and given an overview of the charity, the work we do, and how volunteering works at Under The Trees.
We provide many incentives for our volunteers, including paying expenses, offering training opportunities, CV writing assistance, and the chance to complete a personal development plan to help you move towards any goals you might have.
All volunteers are subject to a PVG background check and referencing as part of our induction process - this is so we can make sure we are bringing in the best volunteers we can into our charity.
Take a look at the video below to hear from Fraser and some of our volunteers - Dan, Hayley, and Diana - and get a feel for what volunteering at Under The Trees is all about.
Children's Board
We’re very excited to be able to offer our young session attendees the opportunity to get involved with our brand-new children’s board. We want to be able to allow children to have a say in how we run our charity and what we offer in terms of our services, so we are inviting them to become a part of a board that will help make these decisions. This is a great opportunity for young kids to make some new friends, get involved in some of the fun activities Under The Trees does at sessions, and gain some real experience in decision-making and collaboration. There will also be food!
Initially the board meetings will be more frequent to allow the members to get to know each other and feel comfortable - roughly one session per month - with the aim of eventually reducing meetings to every two months. Meetings will involve some games and activities, having some food together, and a bit of discussion about the things Under The Trees would like to do, and any ideas the board members have that we could try!
If this sounds like something your child would enjoy, please download the application form via the link below and return it to volunteers@underthetrees.co.uk.